Thursday 15 May 2014


Once I was conversing with a old muslim man, who told me
that what ever situation you are in, never think of disobeying Allah in the
least bit. Things in life may get very difficult and may also decision making
should be done very cautiously. And he narrated to me a story of a pious girl
who was the paragon of virute and piety. She considered herself answerable to
Allah for every act that she does. Allah blessed her with a pious and righteous

Life went on and she got pregnant and when it was time for
the baby to be delivered, doctors informed that she needed a ceasarean. Her
husband took her to the only hospital in town where there was no female doctor
available and can be only available only after 4 days. There was a male doctor
who could perform if the couple gives permission. The husband  are ready for it, considering the medical
condition of the girl deteriorating and she need an operation early….but the
girl said: By Allah this will never happen…I would rather die than have a male
stranger operate and deliver the baby.

Husband: My self-respect connot brook it either that a male
strangerlooks upon you, but your life is at stake.

Girl: None of us will live forever in this world. If my
death is ordained this way, I welcome it and am happily prepared to embraceit.
Have you heard the saying of the prophet (pbuh) that : If a women dies in the
state of nifas (post natal bleeding), dies a martyr. And prophet (pbuh) also
said: whoever gives up a thing for the sake of Allah Almighty, He gives him/her
something better in return.

Hearing this the husband takes her home. Very soon her
health conditions improved, she delivered the child without an operation. The
coupled thanked Allah and they were very happy.What we understand from this
story is that we must have the will to do things for the sake of Allah. If we
decide it and be steadfast in it, then Allah will do things for you in a
fashion that is much easy for you and he will make you pleased with it. This
only Allah can do, but people place their trust brothers, sisters, mothers,
fathers,friends and relatives. If they have pure intention then Allah will make
way out for them.

Try to read all those three statements in the conversation
of the girl. Her thinking was Allah centred. If this girl had thought my life
is at stake, why don’t I allow a male stranger to operate, Allah will forgive
me as this was an emergency. Then she would have definitely been operated in
that hopsital by a male doctor. She thought about her rights upon her body
first rather than thinking about her life. What she chose was the pleasure of
Allah. She had a strong will in herself that even if I die, I would prefer to
die as a martyr rather than disobeying Allah. If Allah’s pleasure is what we look
for, then without doubt that we have the will and we need to be patientand keep
striving in his path until Allah shows you the way.

You can reach me on

Wednesday 14 May 2014

WHO SAYS- TIME IS MONEY-------TIME IS HEREAFTER........Waste your time, Suffer in Hereafter.


Henry Wadsworth said in his one of the motivational  works a few lines which are:

Art is long, and Time is fleeting,
And our hearts, though stout and brave,
Still, like muffled drums, are beating
Funeral marches to the grave.

These four lines give us so much to think about how precious our time is

Art is long- Art constitutes many things that we are passionate about or work, study, research and gain more knowledge about. And we often sacrifice many aspects of our life. Be it any field we have specialisations available and deep  analysis and study is available to learn.

Time is fleeting – And the time that we have has no control. Its running out every moment and within a snap of a finger, day changes.

And our hearts, though stout and brave – Our hearts become more enduring and brave.

Still like muffled drums are beating – Heart does not move from its place inside our body, but it is like muffled drums, muffled means to wrap or cover to reduce the noice, our hearts are covered by our rib cage and body at large. And the beating of the heart at the rate of 72 beats per minute is like funeral marches which takes place when a armyman’s body is taken to the graveyard with drums beating on every step that the procession takes.
Doesnt these lines denote that every second passed is taking us closer to the grave by a second..?

Surah Asr is a surah in which Allah swears (oath) by time. The surah shows very clearly and specifies for us a bare minimum that we should be doing or else we will be losers and our end would be unpleasant. Imam Shafi has very rightly said that if the people only considered this Surah well, it alone would suffice them for their guidance. How important this Surah was in the sight of the Companions can be judged from the tradition cited from Hadrat Abdullah bin Hisn ad-Darimi Abu Madinah, according to which whenever any two of them met they would not part company until they had recited Surah Al-Asr to each other. (Tabarani). As for the oath,  Allah has not sworn an oath by any of the created objects on account of its wonderful qualities but for the reason that it adds to the truth which is meant to be understood by us. Therefore, the oath by Time signifies that Time is witness to the truth that man is in sheer loss except for the people who possess the four qualities.

1)Faith, (2) Righteous deeds, (3) exhorting one another to Truth, and (4) exhorting one another to patience.

Let me bring your attention to an examination hall, where the candidates are writing exam. The candidate who would use time wisely would be able to solve all the questions in the question paper. But for candidate who did not concentrate enough to answering thw questions would be in a loss. If we are more consious of the time, and use it wisely then definitely we would not be among the losers. Using time wisely means that setting our priorities right and understanding the purpose behind our creation.

This reminds me of an ayah mentioned in Quran from surah Shu ara ayah 88-89 which says, “The day when wealth and children will not benefit anyone except he who will come to Allah with a Qalb-e-Saleem.”

What use would money be when we are in front of Allah on the Day of Judgement……?

What use would wisely used time by obeying Allah and His Messenger be when we are in front of Allah on the Day of Judgement..?

For your comments you can write to me on

Sunday 9 June 2013


As far as believer is concerned he should/will be alert of his actions. The reason is fairly simple that he is answerable to each and every single action of his in the hereafter. He should feel in the depts of his soul that he is in constant need of the help and support of Allah, no matter how much he may think he can do things by himself/others help. He knows that it is Almighty Allah Who is in control of the affairs of the universe and of mankind.
So, it is the matter of complete submission to Allah and His Messenger. When there is a doubt in the submission to this, then there is a concern to be addressed as the hadith states: Each of you is a shepherd, and each of you is responsible for his flock (i.e. those owe whom you have authority).
But no, by the Lord, they can have no (real) Faith, until they make you judge in all disputes between them, and find in their souls no resistance against your decisions, but accept them with the fullest convictions. ( Quran 4 : 65).
The sincere muslim is convinced that belief in the will and decree of Allah is one of the pillars of faith. Whatever befalls him in life cannot have been avoided,because Allah has decreed it.  His acceptance of the divine will and decree will earn him a great reward from Allah, Who will count him as one of the successful, obedient believers.
 The muslim may find himself becoming neglectful and slipping from the straight path, so that he may commit a sin which does not  befit him as a humble and vigilant believer, but he will soon remember his Lord, turn away from his error and seek forgiveness for his failings.

The sincere muslim seeks to earn the pleasure of Allah in everything that he does. He is not concerned with seeking the approval of other, and indeed he may incur the wrath and hatred of people in the course of his efforts to win divine favour, as the prophet (pbuh) said:
Whoever seeks the pleasure of Allah at the risk of displeasing the people. Allah will take care of him and protect him from them. But whoever seeks the pleasure of the people at the risk of angering Allah. Allah will abandon him to the care of the people. (Tirmidhi).
The believer is concerned about his prayer and the pillars of Islam, with out which his faith is not complete.  Serving and worshiping Allah may be accomplished through every deed of man that is aimed at building a civilization establishing the authority of Allah on earth and living according to His commandments. The sincere believer will feel that his worship is lacking is he does not strive to achieve the purpose for which Allah created Jinn and men.
I have only created jinns and men, that they may serve Me. (Quran 51: 56)

No wonder that a believer joyfully embraces this mission and eagerly devotes all his resources- his time, his energy and his wealth- to fulfilling it. It is the distinguishing characteristic of his life, for it entitles him to draw closer to Allah, by his ibaadaat, understanding the purpose of his creation, reading the message from Allah, and not deviating from the path of Allah as Messenger taught him.
Can then any Muslim ignore his Creator ?

Saturday 17 March 2012


Taubah comes from word Ta wa ba means turn away from something. Whenever  a slave of Allah wants to refine himself/ herself then they find the need  to repent to Allah. Islamically we use this term to turn away from disobedience to Allah’s commands.  A person turns from disobeying Allah to obeying Allah.
Allah says:

قُلْ يَا عِبَادِيَ الَّذِينَ أَسْرَفُوا عَلَىأَنفُسِهِمْ لَا تَقْنَطُوا مِن رَّحْمَةِ اللَّهِ إِنَّ اللَّهَ يَغْفِرُالذُّنُوبَ جَمِيعًا إِنَّهُ هُوَ الْغَفُورُ الرَّحِيمُ

Say: "O my Servants who have transgressed against their souls! Despair not of the Mercy of Allah: for Allah forgives all sins: for He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

[az-Zumar : 53]

Often when we sin, we think not to turn to Allah as shaitaan whispers in to our mind: doing this heinous sin you want to pray to Allah, he makes us feel that we are not worthy of forgiveness from Allah. But that should not be the case. We must always ask forgiveness and stay from commiting those sins again.

Indeed, Allah has opened the door of repentance to every sinner. The Prophet said,

"Oh people, repent to Allah, for indeed, I repent to Allah 100 times every day"

[Muslim : 2702]
One of the scholar said that repentance is the first step in your relationship with Allah (AL HARAQI)
Some ulema refine and expanded the above mentioned  defination of  tawbah by the following:
1)      Regret in the heart (nadham al Qalb)
After you commit a sin, you feel that guilt in you and regret that encompasses you. Prophet(pbuh) said: Taubah is to feel regret and shame.  To do taubah without the sense of regret is a sign of Hypocrisy.

2)      Stick to the obedience of Allah:
To control his/her body parts with the fear of Allah.
The Eg: If the person who turns to Alah is like a house with six doors. Then he needs to be careful with who does he let in from those six doors. This is the example of a mumin.
That he /she looks at the doors. The doors are Eyes, Nose, Mouth, Ears, Hands, Limbs, Mind. Out of these doors the acts which are forbidden they seem to be entering easily and if you dont put guards at each of the door, then you are going to sin. The Question is how do we put the guard... guard is Dhikr of Allah.

Imam Gazzali said : the sins of zina doesn’t start with eyes.. it starts with mind. So, it is mind where it all starts. Ibn Qayyim said : repel bad thoughts , if you don’t then they will become desires.. declare war(haarib-ha) on them. If they become desires then they become ambitions for you. If it becomes ambition then capture (qayyidh – haa) it… and if you don’t then they become a habit, then try to do the opposite of the habit to stop it and if you don’t then it becomes difficult to stop.

3)      Stay Upright (Istikaaamah)
It means to try to stand straight and be on the right path. Another meaning is to strive against the evil. Ignorance is always not legitimate excuse. So we must understand our purpose in life. This life should not hold any importance, whereas your after life should be considered with utmost importance.  When we gather together knowledge and sincerity coupled with practice then we may become amongst those in Siratul mustaqeem. How can we do that is by Taubah.

Allah says in Quran:
The greatest gift of Allah upon creation is that he inspires the creation to turn to Him.
 Surah Taubah – Verse 117 118.

There might be some thought in the mind of youngsters that they are too young to make taubah, as they have not lived long years as compared to others. A young person who repents to Allah is the beloved thing to Allah. A young person who feels who doesn’t need to make taubah as they have long life, then they need to make taubah also, taubah from what….? Taubah from stupididty.

وْمَ تَجِدُ كُلُّ نَفْسٍ مَا عَمِلَتْ مِنْ خَيْرٍ مُحْضَرًا وَمَا عَمِلَتْ مِنْ سُوءٍ تَوَدُّ لَوْ أَنَّ بَيْنَهَا وَبَيْنَهُ أَمَدًا بَعِيدًا وَيُحَذِّرُكُمُ اللَّهُ نَفْسَهُ وَاللَّهُ رَءُوفٌ بِالْعِبَادِ

On the Day when every person will be confronted with all the good he has done, and all the evil he has done, he will wish that there was a great distance between him and his evil. And Allah warns you against Himself and Allah is full of Kindness to His slaves.
[Aal-Imraan : 30]

Allah warns against Himself, Allah is the only one who knows the Ilm e Ghaib (the Unseen), and this verse is a clear proof that no matter how much ever we think good about ourselves, how much ever proud we are about our Ibaadah, Charity, Fasting & other good deeds; we would think on that day there was long distance between ourself and our evil.

Hasten to repent to Allah and turn to Him for guidance…. Insha Allah He will forgive your sins and Guide You.

Kindly leave your comments, suggestions and feedback at

Saturday 4 February 2012


 [All about Hell. what, where, how and more.]

1.Hell is so deep that if a stone were to be thrown into it, it would travel for 70 years to reaching at the bottom.

2.The breadth of each of the four walls around Hell is equivalent to a distance covered by a walking journey of 40 years.

3.Hell has 7 gates.

4.Hell had been lit for one thousand years until its flames became red. Again it has heated for another thousand years till its color became white. Still again it was burnt for further thousand years and its white color flames turned pitch black.

5.Even the fiercest fire of this world is 70 fold cooler than the fire of Hell.

6.The lightest punishment in Hell would be the wearing of "Fiery shoes which would cause one's brain to boil.

7.Hell in infested with venomous snakes and scorpions of the size of donkeys and if they were to bite a person then he or she will suffer pain for 40 years.

8.For food, the dweller of Hell would be given Zaqqum which is a prickly tree, so bitter, that even if a single molecule of it were to spill onto this earth it would make all the foodstuff of the world bitter and unpalatable.

9.For drinking, the denizen of Hell would be provided with hot, boiling pus mixed with blood, matter, urine and tears etc. of the dwellers of Hell. If a bucket of this foul liquid were to be splashed over this earth, the entire world would be upset and disrupted by its most foul stink.

10.Boiling water would be poured over Jahannami's head and this will cause their internal organs to melt and leak out through their feet.

11.The inmates of Hell would be lashed with heavy clubs of iron. If one such club was to be placed upon this earth, the combined strength of all the human beings, as well as all the Jinn, would fail to lift it; and if a mountain is struck with one of these clubs it would cause the whole mountain to disintegrate.

12. The dwellers of Hell would be burnt daily for 70 thousand times. Every time, after the skin and flesh is burnt; they would be restored to life so that they can continuously taste this punishment.

13. A drunkard will be given blood, pus, sweat, filth etc. to drink in Hell.

14. All the haughty people will be gathered in the Hereafter and driven towards Hell but their bodies would be reduced to the size of ants and they will be given to consume the excretions of the dwellers of Hell.

15. Some sinners would be made to climb "SAUD" which is a mountain of fire in Hell, and then dropped from its peak and climb and dropped from its peak and climb and dropped from its peak and this process would continue forever and ever.

16. The dwellers of Hell would be pound in chains which would be greater in length than the distance between the sky and the earth.

17. The clothes of sinners in Hell would be highly inflammable.

18. Beside physical torture, the dwellers of Hell would also be subjected to mental harassment through the taunting by the guardian of Hell who will remind them of their misdeed on earth and remarks "Now taste the fires" etc.

19. The sinners and disbelievers would be humiliate to such an extent that besides their revolting ugliness and pitch black faces, their upper lips would be touching their foreheads and the lower lip dangling around the navel.

20. The dwellers of Hell would weep so much and shed so much of tears and blood that furrows would be formed on their cheeks.

21. The tongues of Hell-inmates would be so long and protruding from there mouths that others would trample and step on them.

22. Shayateen will also rebuke the denizens of Hell. (you will see the jinn and other foul looking creatures you have never seen before burning and shouting right next to you)

23. All the human senses will experience pain and foulness. You will hear horrific and disturbing sounds you have never heard before that would indeed shake you and scare you, and you will see foul and horrific things you have never seen before, as well as taste the foulest things you couldn’t possibly imagine eating... and of course feel pain like no human could possibly ever imagine, forever.

24. The dwellers of Hell would display their rage and fury on those who led them astray.

25. The inhabitants of Hell would appeal to the guardians of Jahannam to intercede on their behalf in the court of Allah but their pleas would reject. They would make direct supplication to Allah but their prayers would not be granted.

26. They will then abide forever in Hell, continuously lamenting and braying like a***s (jungle animals)

May ALLAH swt give all of us hidayat and show us d path of JANNAH & save us from torture in HELL,and save us from fire of HELL...ameen

Monday 26 September 2011


The next time you are tempted to say something hurtful to someone just because you’re angry, you might want to stop and remember this story. First let me tell you this hadeeth. Once a man asked the Prophet (pbuh) to give him advice, for which Prophet (pbuh) replied. Don’t get angry. The man asked again twice for which the reply that he received from the prophet(pbuh) was “Don’t get angry”. Similar to the hadith where Prophet(pbuh) said that maximum love and affection is to mother. So one can clearly understand how important is to control our anger.

Now, the story There once was a little boy who had a bad temper. His father gave him a bag of nails and told him that every time he lost his temper, he must hammer a nail into the back of the fence.The first day the boy had driven 37 nails into the fence. Over the next few weeks, as he learned to control his anger, the number of nails hammered daily gradually dwindled down. He discovered it was easier to hold his temper than to drive those nails into the fence.Finally the day came when the boy didn’t lose his temper at all. He told his father about it and the father suggested that the boy now pull out one nail for each day that he was able to hold his temper. The days passed and the young boy was finally able to tell his father that all the nails were gone.

The father took his son by the hand and led him to the fence. He said, “You have done well, my son, but look at the holes in the fence. The fence will never be the same. When you say things in anger, they leave a scar just like this one. You can put a knife in a man and draw it out. It won’t matter how many times you say I’m sorry, the wound is still there.”The little boy then understood how powerful his words were. He looked up at his father and said “I hope you can forgive me father for the holes I put in you.”“Of course I can,” said the father.

Anger is an emotional state that varies in intensity from mild irritation to intense fury and rage,” according to Charles Spielberger, PhD, a psychologist who specializes in the study of anger.  It is accompanied by physiological and biological changes; when you get angry, your heart rate and blood pressure go up, as do the levels of your energy hormones: adrenaline and noradrenaline. At the conscious level, there are commonly to be found ideas such as, "She shouldn't have said that to me," or "Who does he think he is ?" or "I can't take anymore of this. Anger can potentially “hijack” the rational thinking part of our brain.  This is often the case when a person states, “I just coudnt control myself!”

Many of us are unable to control ourselves and end up arguing with others, often the ones that we love – our parents, our brothers, our sisters, husband or wives. As humans beings, we have our emotions. We react in either positive or negative emotions. Sometimes we may lose our logic and we cannot control our emotions. So what we supposed to do. Prophet(pbuh) ordered us to say:
 I seek refuge in God from the accursed evil (a`ûdhû billâhi min ash-shaytân ir rajîm).
In another narration Prophet (pbuh) said the following: Anger is a burning coal. Don't you see your eyebrows wide and eyes reddish? So when one of you feels angry, let him sit down if standing, and lie down if sitting.
The Prophet (pbuh) said : "When one of you gets angry, let him make ablution with water as anger arises out of fire."
Also "Anger comes from the devil and the devil is made of fire." 

These are the three Anger Management tips from the Sunnah of Prophet(pbuh) which should be used by us.
Allah says in surah Ashuraa, which is Surah 42 of the Quran, in the 36th and 37th verse: So whatever thing you have been given – it is but [for] enjoyment of the worldly life. But what is with Allah is better and more lasting for those who have believed and upon their Lord rely. And those who avoid the major sins and immoralities, and when they are angry, they forgive.

When you analyse how Allah explains us the importance of not getting angry, you will be more submissive to Him Alone. Firstly, He says that this worldly things are for this life only and think why do we get angry. Is it for the worldly things or some thing else. Definitely it is mostly because of the worldly things. So Allah says what He has for you in the Akhiraah which is firstly better and more lasting. So as a believer in Allah we must place our trust in Him. Further He says.. to avoid the major sins and immoralities and he says to forgive when you are ANGRY.  He did not say  STAY CALM WHEN YOU ARE ANGRY. He says: FORGIVE. So, remember this when you are about to burst out your rage on your mother, brother, sister or your spouse. As this act of forgiveness that you would do for the sake of Allah. Allah is ready to offer you in the above verse which you would lose.
I would like to end by saying a hadith where Prophet(pbuh) said: He is not strong who throws people down, but he is strong among us who controls himself when he is angry." [Bukhari and Muslim]. So who is strong amonst us………

Please leave your comments here or and inbox me @
Jazak Allahu Khairan for reading.

Saturday 17 September 2011


We all have known that out of the wives that the prophet (pbuh) had, she enjoys a very important status. Her life is a proof that she was far more knowledgeable, well aware of tenants of Islam. She has been a source of inspiration for many during her times. Many of the learned companions of the Prophet and their followers benefitted from her knowledge.
She was one of three wives who memorized the Revelation. Like Hafsah (R.A), she had her own script of the Quran written after the Prophet had died. So far as the Ahadith or sayings of the Prophet is concerned, she is one of four persons (the others being Abu Hurayrah, Abdullah ibn Umar, and Anas ibn Malik) who transmitted more than two thousand sayings. Have you all guessed? Who is she? It is none other than Aisha (Radhiallahu anha).

The Prophet entered into marriage with Aisha (R.A) when she was six … and at the time [of joining his household] she was a girl of nine years of age. She died at the age of 67 and she was 18 when prophet (pbuh) died. She had lived with the prophet (pbuh) for not more than a decade. In her youth, already known for her formidable memory, she came under the care and attention of the Prophet (pbuh). As his wife and close companion, she acquired from him knowledge and insight such as no woman has ever acquired.

Men and women came from far of places to benefit from her knowledge. The number of women is said to have been greater than that of men. Some of her students were outstanding. Abu Musa al-Ashari once said: "If we companions of the Messenger of Allah had any difficulty on a matter, we asked Aisha about it."Many of the traits pertaining to personal behavior which only someone in Aisha (R.A) position could have learnt from Prophet (pbuh). What is most important is that her knowledge of hadith was passed on in written form by at least three persons including her nephew Urwah who became one of the greatest scholars among the generation after the Companions. “Musa ibn Talha said: I never saw anyone more eloquent than Aisha.”

Her nephew Urwah asserts that Aisha (R.A) was proficient in her extensive understanding of Qur'an, Islamic jurisprudence (fiqh), Islamic teachings and traditions (Sunnah), medicine (tibb) and poetry. Many of the senior companions of the Prophet came to her to ask for advice concerning questions of inheritance which required a highly skilled mathematical mind. Scholars regard her as one of the earliest fuqaha of Islam along with persons like Umar ibn al-Khattab, Ali and Abdullah ibn Abbas. The Prophet referring to her extensive knowledge of Islam is reported to have said: "Learn a portion of your religion (din) from this red colored lady." "Humayra" meaning "Red-coloured" was an epithet given to Aisha (R.A) by the Prophet.

Youth girls of today have their ideal as famous personalities from Glamour field including actor, actresses, sports personalities and others from different field. But one of the best ideal for all of us is definitely this sahaabiya and wife of our prophet (pbuh).

"The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) would say to `Aisha, (may Allah be pleased with her): "I know when you become angry or pleased of me" She said, "I asked, how could you know that?" He said, "When you are pleased, you say, "No, by the Lord of Muhammad and when you are angry, you say, "No, by the lord of Ibrahim"(Reported by Bukhari).
What is the reason for this behaviour to be included in bukhari? This behaviour of Aisha (R.A) was approved by prophet (pbuh) that is the reason why this hadith has been reported in the bukhari. The personality of Aisha (R.A) is an example for many of us. It teaches us several practices and how to deal with any situation. When we relate our lives and think for a while as to what the companions would do if they had been in our place... we would definitely get the answer. But the greatest concern is that we don’t relate it to them, nor do we relate it to Aakhiraah. May Allah help us achieve the qualities that this Mother of believer’s had. Ameen.